A geeky group's dynamic is challenged when a new guy shows up and wants to be one of them.
Jean-Luc attempts to have a little male-bonding time with Leo doesn't go as planned.
The crew decides to celebrate the arrival of their new compadre with drinks and dancing.
Colin meets a mysterious woman at the bar and finds himself in an uncomfortably, awkward situation.
The guys find a couple of ladies that seem interested enough to play a flirtatious drinking game.
Josh, Leo, Abby and Colin speculate what they would really do during the zombie apocalypse.
Abby decides to help a fellow geek by giving him some advice how to meet the opposite sex.
Hal becomes a bathroom attendant to raise money and to "study man in his natural environment".
Josh turns to Jan for consolation when he realizes everyone else he knows is "people-ing".
Jean-Luc gets some devastating news that takes him and his friends by surprise.
The gang says goodbye to a good friend.
Shot and edited by the talented, Deb Klonk.